DNA 去氧核糖核酸

Proving that each of us is one in a million
If you're a fan of television's CSI you may be aware of DNA. It has been called the 1)genetic 2)blueprint of the human body and has led to 3)countless 4)criminals being put in 5)jail. Even the smallest amount of 6)saliva or a single 7)strand of hair contains enough DNA to make an 8)identification.
1) genetic (a.) 基因的,遺傳(學)的
Genetic engineering (基因工程) is a hot science right now.

2) blueprint (n.) 藍圖
You need a blueprint to build a house.

3) countless (a.) 無數的
Stars in the night sky are countless.

4) criminal (n.) 罪犯
The criminal was arrested (逮捕) for killing a man.

5) jail (n.) 監獄
He spent two years in jail for theft (偷竊).

6) saliva (n.) 涎,唾液
The old dog is dripping (滴) saliva all over the place.

7) strand (n.) 一縷,一條
How come there's a strand of long hair on your shirt?

8) identification (n.) 身分証明,辨識
The body was badly burned, so identification was very difficult.

DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, was discovered after hard work by many scientists over many 9)decades of time. DNA's 10)origins date back to 1928 and a scientist named Frederick Griffith. He was the first person to 11)recognize an 12)inheritance molecule in mice. This molecule was later discovered to be deoxyribonucleic acid. In 1953, scientists James Watson and Francis Crick used the then 13)available X-ray example of DNA to create the DNA 14)model that we know today.
DNA,或稱去氧核糖核酸,是許多位科學家經過數十年的努力才發現的。DNA的由來要追溯到一九二八年一位名叫菲德烈格里夫茲的科學家。他是頭一個辨識出老鼠體內遺傳分子的人。這種遺傳分子後來發現就是去氧核糖核酸。一九五三年,科學家詹姆斯華生和法蘭西斯克里克使用當時已經有的DNA X光樣本,製造出我們今天熟悉的DNA模型。
9) decade (n.) 十年
Computers were very expensive a decade ago.

10) origin (n.) 起源,由來
What do scientists say about the origin of the universe (宇宙)?

11) recognize (v.) 識別,認出
I didn't recognize you with your new glasses.

12) inheritance (n.) 繼承,遺傳
I believe environment is more important than inheritance in shaping (塑造) one's behavior (行為)

13) available (a.) 可取得,有供應
The new book is not yet available in Chinese.

14) model (n.) 模型
Scientists use this computer model to make weather forecasts (預報).

The molecule in the DNA model has a double helix with two rungs connecting the two strands. Each side is a complete 15)complement of the other. These two strands are 16)composed of a large number of 17)chemical 18)compounds, called nucleotides, that are linked together to form a chain. In total, four scientists were awarded the Nobel Prize in 1962 after the DNA model was presented to the public.
15) complement (n.) 互補物,補充物
Experiments are a good complement to classroom teaching.

16) compose (v.) 組成,構成
The audience is composed of mostly women.

17) chemical (a.) 化學的
If you put these two liquids (液體) together, there will be a chemical reaction (反應).

18) compound (n.) 混合物,化合物
Salt is a chemical compound of two elements (元素).

DNA also carries the 19)instructions for the production of 20)proteins. However, DNA's popularity today has to do with the 21)solving of 22)crimes. For one thing, DNA is an important tool in fighting the 23)illegal trade of plants and animals. Outside of catching a poacher 24)red-handed, laws protecting 25)endangered species are difficult to 26)enforce when the 27)evidence is found far from its source. DNA 28)technology can now 29)identify whether certain foods, 30)furs, or even 31)souvenirs came from 32)banned species.
19) instruction (n.) 指示,說明
If you don't know how to use the machine (機器), read the instructions.

20) protein (n.) 蛋白質
Eggs contain a lot of protein. 21) solve (v.) 解決,解答
Can you solve this math (數學) problem in two minutes?

22) crime (n.) 罪,罪行 Murder (謀殺) is a serious crime.

23) illegal (a.) 非法的
It's illegal to smoke at public places.

24) red-handed (adv.) 當場,在犯罪現場
The thief was caught red-handed and taken to the police station.

25) endangered species 瀕臨絕種生物
It's against the law to buy and sell endangered species.

26) enforce (v.) 執行,實行
This law is useless because it can't be enforced.

27) evidence (n.) 證據
Do you have evidence for what you said?

28) technology (n.) 技術,科技
He studied computer technology in college.

29) identify (v.) 驗明,辨識
The police wanted the wife to identify the body.

30) fur (n.) 毛皮
Wearing animal fur is no longer fashionable (時髦).

31) souvenir (n.) 紀念品
He likes to buy souvenirs on his trips aborad.

32) ban (v.) 禁止
The movie is banned here, but you can find the book.

The influence of DNA technology in crime fighting is 33)undeniable. Most law 34)enforcement 35)agencies have DNA databanks for DNA samples. Often, one bank is used to store the DNA of 36)convicted 37)criminals and another is used to store the DNA from unsolved crime 38)scenes for future use. In the US, 82 inmates have won freedom (10 on death row) since 1992 because of DNA evidence. And the 39)process is getting faster. In Canada, DNA testing used to take months and cost tens of thousands of dollars. Now it only takes days for results at a cost of $250.
33) undeniable (a.) 無可否認的
It's an undeniable fact that gunpowder (火藥) was invented (發明) in China.
34) enforcement (n.) 實施,執行
A policeman is also called a law-enforcement officer.

35) agency (n.) 專業行政機構,局,處
Which government agency is responsible (負責) for cleaning the streets?

36) convicted (a.) 被判有罪的
Convicted criminals go to jail.

37) criminal (n.) 罪犯
The police are looking for this dangerous criminal.

38) scene (n.) 場景,(事情發生的)現場
You shouldn't touch anything at the scene of the crime.

39) process (n.) 過程,程序
Raising women's position will be a long process.

DNA tests can also be used for non-criminal purposes. For example: to identify 40)corpses, to determine the 41)likelihood of family members 42)inheriting a disease, to study human 43)evolution and 44)migration, and to solve 45)paternity cases. It took many years to arrive but DNA is definitely here to stay.
40) corpse (n.) 屍體
The criminals threw the corpse into the river.

41) likelihood (n.) 可能性
After seven days, there's little likelihood that they will find the man alive.

42) inherit (v.) 繼承,遺傳到
He inherited a large fortune (財富) when his father died.

43) evolution (n.) 進化,演化
The evolution of any species (物種) took millions of years.

44) migration (n.) 遷移,移民
In China there's been a migration of poor farmers into the cities.

45) paternity (n.) 父子關係
DNA tests are often used to establish paternity.

轉載自"TIME for Students知識美語誌",聯合電子報發行
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