The road to the White House is long, complicated and expensive. BBC News explains the process.

The early stages

A politician with presidential ambition usually forms an exploratory committee to test the waters and raise money, sometimes up to two years before the election. They then formally declare their candidacy and campaign in key states.

The primaries

The primary season begins in the January before the election and lasts until about June. This is where candidates fight within the two main parties, Republican and Democratic, for their party's nomination. 

Voters in each of the 50 states select party delegates, who in most cases have pledged to support a particular candidate. Some states use a caucus - a local meeting system - rather than primaries.



The party convention

The national party conventions, held a few months before the election, are where the candidates are formally nominated. 

Delegates who have been chosen during the state primaries pick the nominee, though by this stage, the party normally knows who has won.

The winning candidate then picks a running-mate, sometimes from among the defeated rivals.

The final lap


Only now do the candidates fully square up against each other. There is massive spending on advertising, and a major flurry of state-by-state campaigning. Much attention is paid to the televised debates between the candidates. This can, but does not necessarily involve any independent candidate.

In the final weeks, the contenders typically concentrate their attention on big so-called "swing states", where the outcome is uncertain.


The election


American presidential elections are always held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. 

Voters do not, technically, participate in a direct election of the president. They choose "electors", who are pledged to one or another candidate. This is known as the Electoral College.

Each state has a certain number of electors to the college, based on the size of its population.

In almost every state, the winner of the popular vote gets all the electoral college votes in that state. Because of this system, a candidate can take the White House without winning the popular vote, such as in the 2000 contest between George W Bush and Al Gore. 


Q&A: US primaries and caucuses
The candidates hoping to win the White House in November's presidential election are taking part in the series of elections known as the primaries and caucuses.

This is the process by which supporters of the Democratic or Republican parties, in each US state, say which candidate they would like to see representing their party in the presidential election.

How does it work?


Each state gets to send a certain number of delegates to the parties' national conventions in the late summer, where each party's nominee is formally chosen - and the primaries and caucuses determine which candidate those delegates vote for.

Broadly speaking, the more voters from a given state give their backing to candidate X, the more delegates pledged to support candidate X will be sent from that state to the national convention.


Why do Iowa and New Hampshire come first?

No particular reason, it just happened that way. This year Iowa held its caucuses on 3 January and New Hampshire held the first primary on 8 January.

It's sometimes argued that they don't deserve it, because they are not representative of the US as a whole - they are small (especially New Hampshire), they don't have big cities, and their populations are not very diverse.

The counter-argument is that both states have politically educated voters who put candidates through a lot of tough questioning.


What is Super Tuesday?

It's a day (a Tuesday!) when a lot of states hold primaries or caucuses simultaneously.

The practice began in the 1980s.

In 2000, 16 states held primaries on 7 March, at which about 60% of all delegates were up for grabs.

In 2004, Super Tuesday split in two. There was a Mini-Tuesday (or Super Tuesday I) on 3 February, followed by a Super Tuesday II on 2 March. California, Ohio and New York all held their votes on Super Tuesday II.

On 5 February 2008, 24 states took part in "Super-Duper Tuesday", including California, New York, Illinois and New Jersey.

Caucus or primary - what's the difference?

Caucus procedures vary according to state law.

In most states, such as Iowa, voters meet in private homes, schools and other public buildings to discuss the candidates and the issues.

They then elect delegates to the county conventions. County convention delegates elect delegates in turn to state conventions, where delegates to the national conventions are chosen.

At Democratic caucuses, the voters sometimes publicly divide into groups, gathering in different corners of a room to show their support for the different candidates, and delegates are allocated accordingly.

Republican caucuses usually take the form of a secret ballot, the results of which inform the allocation of delegates.

In primary elections, all registered voters in a state directly vote for their preferred candidate.

Are the caucuses and primaries held at the same time every election year?

No. This year everything is happening earlier.

From 1972 to 1992 the exercise began in late January (or occasionally early February) and the nominations were not usually settled until the first Tuesday in June, when California, New Jersey and Ohio held their primaries.

In other words, the primaries used to take four months to yield a result.

This time the selection process began on 3 January in Iowa, earlier than ever before. Super Tuesday also comes earlier than ever.

Does that matter?

To spend four months criss-crossing the country meeting voters is a good test of a candidate's strengths and weaknesses, and it gives Americans lots of opportunities to decide which politician they like best.

Also, a little-known candidate who does well in the early caucuses or primaries has a chance to attract financial support, and organise a strong campaign.

The shorter the primary campaign, the less time there is for an outsider to gather momentum.

It was widely assumed that the nomination battles this year would be over on Super Tuesday. If this had happened, voters would have had only one month to get to know and choose their preferred candidate.

In fact, the primary campaign is shaping up to last longer than it has for years, at least on the Democratic side.

Why is the primary calendar changing?

Some states felt the established system gave too much prominence to the states which began the selection process, and too little to those at the end of the process, so in the 1990s a trend began for states to move their primaries and caucuses forward.

This just increased the disadvantage of coming last and gave states more of an incentive to rush to the front of the queue.

States such as Iowa and New Hampshire, which have traditionally come first, responded by moving their own events earlier still.

Have the Democratic and Republican parties attempted to stop states changing the electoral calendar?


The Democratic Party is punishing Michigan and Florida by refusing to accept their delegates at the national convention.

The Republican Party is penalising Florida, Michigan, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Wyoming, by reducing their quota of delegates by half.

Do these penalties matter?

They could, in theory, if it's a close race.

The Democrats have closed the door to about 8% of delegates, the Republicans to about 5%.

It's possible the decisions to impose the penalties could be reversed before the convention. 


12 Feb: Maryland and Virginia primaries
4 March: Ohio and Texas primaries
22 April: Pennsylvania primary

Information from BBC NEWS
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